10 Things Your Dentist Would Want You to Know About Dental Exams
January 31, 2019
Everyone knows regular dental appointments are important to dental health. But perhaps you haven’t really considered the many benefits to routine dental appointments, or the things you can do between...
Professional Teeth Whitening or Veneers – Which is Right for You?
When you have concerns about the quality of your smile, this can interfere with your sense of self-esteem and the ability to express yourself authentically. Two of the most popular treatments for impr...
Does Invisalign® Really Work as Well as Braces?
The answer is, yes and no – While cases including severe bite misalignment probably need to be addressed with traditional metal braces, the Invisalign® system has proven itself quite effective in trea...
Neuromuscular Dentistry
When thinking about oral health, your teeth and gums are certainly two main components to take care of. But another component critical to overall function, aesthetics, and comfort of your smile is the...